CERTO leaflet
Download the CERTO overview leaflet explaining the work of the CERTO project.
Also available as a mobile version for smaller screens.
CERTO Newsletter
An e-newsletter was distributed every six months with details of project progress and highlights. The first edition was distributed in August 2020, shortly after the six-month progress meeting.
Scientific publications
Braga, F., Ciani, D., Colella, S., Organelli, E., Pitarch, J., Brando, V.E., Bresciani, M., Concha, J.A., Giardino, C., Scarpa, G.M., Volpe, G., Rio, M-H., Falcini, F. 2022. COVID19 lockdown effects on a coastal marine environment: disentangling perception versus reality. Science of the Total Environment, 817: art: 153002. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153002
Braga, F., Fabbretto, A., Vanhellemont, Q., Bresciani, M., Giardino, C., Scarpa, G.M., Manfè, G., Concha, J.A., Brando, V.E. 2022. Assessment of PRISMA water reflectance using autonomous hyperspectral radiometry. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 192: 99-114. doi:10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2022.08.009
Jiang, D., Matsushita, B., Pahlevan, N., Gurlin, D., Fichot, C.G., Harringmeyer, J., Sent, G., Brito, A.C., Brotas, V., Werther, M., Mascarenhas, V., Blake, M., Hunter, P., Tyler, A., Spyrakos, E. 2023. Estimating the concentration of total suspended solids in inland and coastal waters from Sentinel-2 MSI: A semi-analytical approach. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 204: 362-377. doi: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2023.09.020
Lin, J., Dall'Olmo, G., Tilstone, G.H., Brewin, R.J.W., Vabson, V., Ansko, I., Evers-King, H., Casal, T., Donlon, C. 2022. Derivation of uncertainty budgets for continuous above-water radiometric measurements along an Atlantic Meridional Transect. Optics Express, 30(25): 45648. doi:10.1364/OE.470994
Lin, J., Z. Lee, G.H. Tilstone, X.W. Liu, J., M. Ondrusek, and S. Groom. 2023. Revised spectral optimization approach to remove surface-reflected radiance for the estimation of remote-sensing reflectance from the above-water method. Optics Express, 31, 22964-22981. doi:10.1364/OE.486981
Politi, E., Brito, A.C., Gomes, M.R., Lebreton, C., Falcini, F. 2024. Listening to stakeholders: Development of water quality indicators for transitional environments using satellite data. Ocean & Coastal Management, 253, 107140. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2024.107140
Scarpa, G.M., Braga, F., Manfè, G., Lorenzetti, G., Zaggia, L. 2022. Towards an integrated observational system to investigate sediment transport in the tidal inlets of the Lagoon of Venice. Remote Sensing, 14(4): art: 3371. doi:10.3390/rs14143371
Sent, G., Biguini, B., Favareto, L., Cruz, J., Sá, C., Dogliotti, A.I., Palma, C., Brotas, V., Brito, A.C. 2021. Deriving Water Quality Parameters Using Sentinel-2 Imagery: A Case Study in the Sado Estuary, Portugal. Remote Sensing, 13(5), doi:10.3390/rs13051043
Spyrakos, E., Hunter, P., Simis, S., Neil, C., Riddick, C., Wang, S., Varley, A., Blake, M., Groom, S., Torres Palenzuela, J., Vilas Gonzalez, L, Cardenas, C., Frangopulos, M., Aquilar Vega, X., Iriart, J.L., Tyler, A. 2020. Moving towards global satellite based products for monitoring of inland and coastal waters. In: Proceedings of Regional examples from Europe and South America. 2020 IEEE Latin American GRSS & ISPRS Remote Sensing Conference (LAGIRS), March 21-26, 2020, Santiago, Chile. doi:10.1109/LAGIRS48042.2020.9165653
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