
CERTO scientists participated in many events to showcase the developments in the CERTO project and collaborate with other initiatives. See below for further details.

21 August 2024. CERTO users and indicators.  Future Earth Coasts (FEC) Fellows Session. Presentation by Eirini Politi

26 September 2023.  CERTO seminar. GEO AquaWatch webinar. Watch the video recording

5 July 2023. Copernicus Evolution - Research for harmonised and Transistional-water Observation (CERTO). Presentation by Steve Groom and Eirini Politi at the UK EO Implementation Group meeting.

5 July 2023. Water quality: how satellites can help us monitor our estuaries, the CERTO project. Presentation by Giulia Sent in the "The Role of Observations from Space in the Restoration of Ocean and Coastal Zones" session at Ciência 2023. Aveiro, Portugal.

19-23 June 2023. The CERTO project: Remote sensing products and indicators for transitional waters. Presentation by Eirini Politi at EUROLAG10 Conference. Gydnia, Poland.

4-9 June 2023. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting "Resilience and recovery in aquatic systems". Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

7 February 2023. Systemic change, space and just society. UNIVERSEH lecture by Kevin Ramirez.

26-27 January 2023. CERTO progress meeting. Brussels, Belgium.

26-28 October 2022. Blue growth: challenges and opportunities for the Black Sea. Marblue 2022, Constanta, Romania. Presentations by Adriana-Maria Constantinescu on CERTO project Copernicus Evolution: Research for harmonized Transitional water Observation. Preliminary results from the Danube Delta and the NW Black Sea area and Andrew Tyler on Earth Observation in catchment and coastal environments for the 21st century. Programme and book of abstracts.  

26 October 2022. Transforming our understanding of the water continuum through Digital Water. Presentation by Andrew Tyler at the Royal Statistical Society, Digital Earth Series: Digital Water. Glasgow, Scotland.

20 October 2022. Water quality coninuum atmospheric corrections workshop. Online. Presentations by François Steinmetz on Adjacency correction and Atmospheric correction in CERTO. Meeting website.

30 June - 1 July 2022. CERTO Progress Meeting. Lisbon, Portugal. 

28 June 2022. Copernicus Evolution - Research for harmonised and Transitional water Observation. Presentation by Steve Groom at the Ocean Research: the future for science collaboration (2022 UN Oceans Conference side event). British Embassy, Lisbon, Portugal.

21 June 2022. Harmonisierte Nutzung von Wasserqualitätsprodukten von Copernicus für Übergangsgewässer Horizon 2020 Projekt CERTO. Presentation by Carole Lebreton at the National Copernicus Forum, Berlin, Germany.

23-27 May 2022. ESA Living Planet Symposium. Bonn, Germany. The symposium included CERTO presentations and sessions convened by CERTO scientists, including a presentation on Copernicus Evolution – Research for harmonised and Transitional-water Observation (CERTO) in the Colour and light in the ocean from Earth observation, session convened by Thomas Jackson.

22 March 2022. Preliminary assessment of the optical variability in a well-mixed estuary (Tagus estuary, Portugal). Presentation by Guila Sent at the National Copernicus Forum, Evora, Portugal.

21 March 2022.  Copernicus Evolution Research for harmonised and Transitional-water Observation (CERTO) - Community Requirements. Presentation by Federico Falcini at the GEO AquaWatch Biennial Community Workshop. Online.

2 March 2022. Optical water type cluster analysis toolbox for improving water colour remote sensing algorithm performance through the continuum of inland to coastal waters. Presentation by Liz Atwood at ASLO Annual Science Meeting.

18-19 January 2022. CERTO Annual Progress Meeting. Online.

17 November 2021. Evaluation of PRISMA products for aquatic environments. CERTO seminar by Claudia Giardino (CNR-IREA).

28 October 2021. Copernicus Evolution: Research for harmonized Transitional water Observation (CERTO). The Danube-Black Sea case study. Presentation at the International Black Sea Action Day organized by NIMRD and GEOECOMAR. Contstanta, Romania.

10-14 October 2021. CERTO presentation. Satellite-based technologies for Earth surface study and monitoring session. Balkan Geophysical Society Congress. Co-chaired by Adriana Maria Constantinescu (CERTO/GeoEcoMar) and Sorin Constantin (TERRASIGNA). Conference website.

6-9 September 2021. Special CERTO session - 0062: Integrating in situ data, models and Earth Observation towards coastal sustainable management. ECSA 58 & EMECS 13 Estuaries and coastal seas in the Anthropocene. Chaired by Eirini Polity (CERTO), Sebastian Ferse (CERTO), Ángel Pérez-Rufaza (Univ. Murcia), Georg Umgiesser (ISMAR-CNR), Valerie Cummins (Univ. College Cork). 

31 May - 25 June 2021. EUMETSAT training course: Using the Copernicus Marine Data Stream for Ocean Applications. Training course website.

25 June 2021. Special CERTO session - SS64: Addressing challenges in monitoring water quality using Earth Observation in transistional waters. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Chaired by Eirini Politi (CERTO), Vittorio Brando (CERTO), Diana Vaiciute (Klaipeda University) and Badr El Mahrad (University of Algarve). Conference website. Presentations included:

  • Transistional waters covered by the Copernicus High Resolution Coastal Service
  • Results from the CoastObs project
  • Development of water quality indicators for transistional waters using Sentinel data
  • A standardized flexible tool for investigation and application of fuzzy clustering in transistional water colour remote sensing
  • Long-term estuarine water clarity from satellite remote sensing reflectance
  • Tackling the challenges for accurate red tide quanitification from space in nearshore areas
  • Hot moments and hotspots of cyanobacterial hyperblooms in the Curonian Lagoon revealed by remote sensing-based retrospective analysis
  • Optical water types of transitional systems
  • Optimising atmospheric correction in transistional waters

17 June 2021. CERTO - Operational remote sensing water quality products to suit the continuum of transitional waters. Presentation by Eirini Politi. Inaugural International Workshop on Intermittent Estuaries in a Changing Climate. Online. Recording available on YouTube.

30 April 2021. Copernicus Evolution Research for harmonised and Transitional-water Observation (CERTO) - progress. Presentation by Steve Groom. GEO AquaWatch webinar. Recording available on YouTube.

17 March 2021. Standards/services and tools used by the remote sensing WQ community: the CERTO project. Presentation by Steve Groom at the OGC Hydrology Domain Working Group water quality data seminar. Online.

29 January 2021. Aquaculture and water quality: Sines case study. Presentation by Vanda Brotas including reference to CERTO objectives. Copernicus meeting. Online.

13 January 2021. Environmental and climate changes in the Danube-Black Sea transition zone. Presentation by Adriana Constantinescu including reference to CERTO work. Space for Marine Environment webinar. Online.

14-15 December 2020. CERTO presentation by Steve Groom. Interreg ShareMED Capitalisation workshop. Online.

22-23 October 2020. Panel session on the creation of a new space KIC. Space Science for Societal Challenges. Online.

13-14 October 2020. CERTO – harmonising water quality products from oceans to freshwater. Presentation by Steve Groom. JNCC / EO4Water Copernicus Water Quality Workshop. Online. Recording available on YouTube.

21 May 2020. CERTO presentation. GEO Blue Planet Steering Committee Meeting. Online.

4 March 2020. CERTO presentation. Defra EO Centre of Excellence Implementation Group. Online.

3 March 2020. Uso de deteção Cor do Oceano na monitorização de zonas costeiras e estuarinas. Presentation by Vanda Brotas. Space, coastal zones and territorial monitoring. Lisbon, Portugal.

22 January 2020. Invited research seminar at the Helmholtz Zentrum Geeshacht, Germany.

20-24 January 2020. The H2020 CERTO project – Copernicus Evolution: Research for Harmonised Transitional Water Observation. Presentation at Eurolag 9 by Eirini Politi. Venice, Italy. See abstract on page 39.


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CERTO videos

Evaluation of PRISMA products for aquatic environments. CERTO seminar by Claudia Giardino, CNR-IREA.

CERTO @EO4Water Workshop

CERTO at the "Inaugural workshop on intermittent estuaries in a changing climate"

Steve Groom presenting an overview of CERTO at the GEO AquaWatch webinar.

Presentation by Steve Groom at the JNCC/ EO4Water Copernicus Water Quality Workshop