A short field campaign was held in the Danube Delta at the end of April, with the primary aim of testing the So-Rad system.
The Solar Tracking Radiometry platform (So-Rad) is designed to control and automate underway radiometric measurements for satellite validation from ships and buoys. It consists of two sets of Trios spectroradiometers integrated with autonomous sun-tracking platforms and takes high-frequency measurements of water-leaving reflectance. This can then be used to validate satellite observations, which can often have high uncertainty in optically complex waters such as coastal seas and inland waters.
The system was sucessfully deployed in the Danube Delta by CERTO scientists from GeoEcoMar in April whilst also sampling the waters for total and inorganic suspended matter, chlorophyll-a, Secchi depth and other water parameters.
CERTO also plans to deploy the So-Rad system in the Tagus estuary, Lisbon on the Lisboat ferry.
Fieldwork in the Danube Delta.